The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, also known as CALI, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit consortium of mostly US law schools that conducts applied research and development in the area of computer-mediated legal education, and creates tools that increase access to justice. They host and facilitate the creation of the CALI Lessons, computer-based interactive tutorials written by law faculty that cover legal research, legal writing and substantive topics of law, and are geared toward law students. The material is rigorous, but short, taking 20-40 minutes to complete each lesson. There are over 1,000 CALI lessons available and coverage includes 40 different legal subject areas. Many students find the lessons helpful in practicing issue spotting, applying legal principles, and answering multiple choice questions.
Please view the CALI FAQ for more information about registering for an account and CALI lessons.
Subject Area Offerings for 1Ls