Before knowing which borrowing rules apply, the journal Member must determine if the item to be borrowed is needed for the Member's own purposes or for those of the Journal.
Borrowing items from the Mendik Library for the Member's Own Purposes Include:
Borrowing items from the Mendik Library on Behalf of the Law Review:
If a Law Review Member wishes to borrow an item for his or her own use (Note, Case Comment or Book Review), they may do so by using the barcode on their NYLS ID. The member will be limited to those items that any student could borrow and the member becomes personally responsible for any items checked out in this manner.
For more information, see the Mendik Library Circulation Policies.
While cite-checking using items owned by the Mendik Library can generally be completed within the Mendik Library, there may be times when the Law Review deems it necessary to borrow an item from the collection as part of an ongoing research project taking place in the Law Review office.
On these occasions, the Managing Editor, Associate Managing Editor or other designated representative, will give a member one of the special Law Review Library Cards that have been created to allow the Law Review itself to borrow a wide range of materials from the Library.
The item to be borrowed will be brought to the Circulation Desk and the member will hand it, along with his or her NYLS student ID and the Law Review Library Card, to the staff person at the desk. The item, assuming it circulates, will then be checked out to the Law Review on the Law Review Card. Any items so borrowed must remain in the Law Review office and becomes the responsibility of the Law Review.
Items borrowed under your own name become your personal responsibility. Therefore, if you are instructed to borrow an item on behalf of the Law Review, make sure you do not do so in your own name.