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Foundations for Professionalism

About this Guide

Throughout the two semesters of Foundations you have learned how to manage your time effectively; how to engage with your readings and synthesize that material with your classroom lectures and discussions; and how to analyze facts in relation to legal concepts.  The aim of this Guide is to be a starting point from which you can find the research tools you will need as you move from the classroom to the world of practice.

Developing a Research Strategy

Thinking about your approach and developing a sound research strategy before you start a project will help you accomplish your goals and get to relevant results more quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. This is a checklist that will help you prepare to research. Read all of the steps first. You don’t need to do them in order. Expand a step or add a step as you work through your problem. Take notes, keep track of where you’ve been & where you need to go. If you have questions or would like help, ask a librarian.