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Finding the Law: Mendik Library Orientation 2024

First Week Library Orientation Information

Group Study Room Policy


Note:  Group Study Rooms Cannot be Reserved in Advance.

Please remember: Additionally, please:
  • Study groups are welcome to use these rooms on a first come-first served basis.
  • Be considerate of other library users who may require these rooms.
  • A study group consists of two or more students conversing in a normal tone of voice.
  • Please do not stay for more than four hours.
  • Note: Group study rooms are not soundproof.
  • Individual quiet study is allowed only when study groups are not using a room. 
  • Leave the room clean and in order.  All trash should be placed in waste baskets and furniture returned to original locations.
  • Individual quiet studiers must share the room, or yield it if the conversation bothers them.
  • Please do not leave a coat or other personal belongings around, in or on a chair, carrel, table or group study room in an attempt to “reserve” it for future use.  Not only is this inconsiderate to fellow students, you also risk the loss of your belongings to theft..


Study Rooms

If you have questions regarding the information set out above, please contact the Reference Desk at or the Office of Student Life at