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Call Home First: Library & Research Resources

Created for use in the Foundations of Professionalism workshops

Research Tools & Sources

Research Tools & Sources:

  • Developing a Research Strategy template: download it – add items – make it your own – use it as a guide to organizing your research (find it on our home page under Research Tools).
  • Treatises by Topic: find leading secondary sources on legal topics; remember to browse a treatise to gain an overview before launching a search for cases!
  • All Subscription Resources list & links: many subscription databases beyond Lexis and Westlaw.  These tools are always available.
  • Research Guides: On the left side of our home page.  Among our offerings are guides for Legal Forms; Free & Low‐Cost Legal Research; Corporate & Securities; Foreign & International; Government Resources; New York Legal Research; New York Family Law; Bankruptcy Law; Legal Ethics; and Tax Law.
  • Library Catalog: links to everything we own, including online sources and more.
  • E‐Journals A to Z:  lists all journals to which we have online access.