The materials in the databases we subscribe to should be ADA compliant including the use of screen reader technology, keyboards, etc. Some older documents may not be as accessible. The Mendik Library staff tries to ensure that our website is accessible for all patrons, but issues can occur. If you experienced a problem with the website or would like to offer a suggestion, please go to and complete this form.
This Guide is the place to find information about and gain access to the many electronic databases subscribed to by the Mendik Library.
Note: With the exception of Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Law, the databases to which the Library subscribes must be accessed via the links found within this guide. If you are outside the school when you click on one of these links, the following authentication box will appear. When it does, just enter the same username & password that would take you to the NYLS portal.
If you find any broken links or have other questions, please contact the Reference Desk.